Category 1

How to get rid of Skin Allergies with Homeopathy Treatment?
Skin allergies are common today. An allergic reaction can be caused by antibodies produced as a result of exposure to an allergen. When our bodies have allergic reactions, we wonder where it all came from. Different skin reactions that you may notice include atopic dermatitis, commonly known as eczema, a condition where you may notice inflammation; you may also experience itching and scaling. Contact dermatitis is a condition where the skin turns red, dry, scaly, and itchy forming blisters. Hives, also known as urticaria, is a condition where your skin turns itchy, and you may notice raised welts. And angioedema, in this condition you may notice swelling in areas beneath the skin.What may have led to this skin reaction? The common causes of an allergic reaction include:Poison oak leaves, release harmful oil that can cause itchy red rashes with bumps and blisters on the skin.Nickel is a substance used to make jewelry, belts, and sunglasses. It can cause a skin reaction.Latex and rubber are used to make gloves, erasers, and balloons that can cause mild or severe rashes on your skin.Clothes have dyes or chemicals that can trigger an allergic reaction on your skin.Preservatives are used in products like shampoos, sunscreens, lotions, makeup, and hair dyes that can cause allergic reactions.Fragrances in perfumes, deodorants, colognes, and soaps can cause allergic reactions to your skin.Medications such as over-the-counter creams and ointments used to treat burns, insect bites, and stings that can cause an allergic reaction.Remedies to treat Allergic ReactionsThese allergic reactions can lead to rashes, itching, redness, swelling, raised bumps, scaling or flaking and cracked skin.1. Use Oatmeal:Oatmeal has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe itching caused by allergic reactions. You can use an oatmeal bath or poultice.An oatmeal bath requires you to mix one cup of powdered oatmeal with lukewarm water. Immerse your body into the oatmeal bath water and rinse after 30 minutes.An oatmeal poultice requires ¼ cup of powdered oatmeal mixed with one teaspoon of water. Apply the paste to the affected area. Clean the paste with a damp cloth after 30 minutes.2. Baking soda:Baking soda works to balance the pH levels in your body. It also soothes your skin allergy with the help of its anti-inflammatory properties.Mix one cup of baking soda with lukewarm water and stir it well. Soak in this mix for 15 minutes. You can also prepare a paste by adding four teaspoons of baking soda to water. Apply it to the affected area; leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse.3. Coconut oil:Coconut oil is rich in Vitamins, E, K, and fatty acids, all of which help to reduce inflammation, soothe the skin, and reduce flaking and itching. Coconut oil can be used on the skin directly or in combination with olive oil. Gently massage it into your skin and leave it on for 30 minutes.4. Ice therapy:Ice helps numb the skin and reduces blood circulation on the affected area, healing the allergic patch. Hold the ice pack on the allergic patch for 10-15 minutes to find relief.5. TulsiTulsi has purifying and healing properties that can treat and soothe your skin allergies. Consume dried tulsi powder with warm water to purify the blood and promote quick healing. You can also apply tulsi paste to the affected parts. Or, boil 25 to 30 tulsi leaves in 100 ml mustard oil and apply the strained oil to your skin.Homeopathic treatment for skin allergyThese natural remedies can help manage the symptoms of a skin allergy; however, homeopathy can help in a natural, safe, and side-effect free way from the root. According to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, homeopathy can effectively treat atopic dermatitis. It helps treat the root cause of the skin problem and addresses the underlying conditions of mental stress, anxiety, and depression to give you long-term relief.

Ruta Graveolens – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage
The remedy Ruta Graveolens is derived from a plant named garden rue and bitterwort belonging to the family rutaceae. This entire fresh plant undergoes a potentization process (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines by which the medicinal properties of a crude substance are aroused). Passing of this plant through this process gives us a wonderful homeopathic medicine Ruta Graveolens. It is very effective medicine to manage cases of injury, over straining and inflammation of tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints. It is a top listed medicine for managing cases of sprains and tendonitis. Drug Action It has the most prominent and well defined action on the tendons, ligaments, muscles, joints, bones, cartilages. Next, it acts well on the back, eyes, head, rectum and male and female genitals.Clinical IndicationsSprains, tendonitis, backache, joint injury, arthritis, eye strain, asthenopia (eyestrain), ganglion, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, constipation, rectum prolapse, exostosis, fracture, sciatica. Scope as a Homeopathic RemedyFor injury (sprains, strains, injury to joints, bones, tendons) Ruta is among the top listed medicines for managing cases of injury. It works best for injury to joints, bones and tendons. It helps to heal the injured tissues and give relief in pain as well. The pain mainly is sore aching type attended with restlessness where it is required. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for treating cases of sprains and strains. Sprains refers to overstretching or tearing of ligaments that is fibrous tissue which connects two bones together. In sprain cases it works well when accompanied with weakness in joints. For sprains it is very beneficial especially when sprain occurs in the ankle joint. Another prominent indication is lameness that remains after sprains. Strains means overstretching of the muscles. Next it is very useful for managing bone injuries and tearing of muscles, ligaments or nerves. Besides these it gives great results in cases of sore inflamed tendons (tendonitis) for which it is a top ranking medicine. Tendons are fibrous tissue that attach muscle to bone. It is prominently indicated for managing bruised pain in the bones. Pain in long bones as if broken is also a characteristic feature indicating its use.

Homeopathy Effective Treatment For Kidney Stones
What are Kidney stones?Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals and acid salts that stick together in the urine. They can be painful when passing through the urinary tract. The most common symptom is severe pain found in the side of the abdomen. Kidney stones can develop by the concentration of calcium, uric acid, minerals and salts. What are the types of kidney stones?Primary stones – These stones appear in the healthy urinary tract without any inflammation. It includes calcium stones, uric acid stones, cystine stones, xanthine stones and indigo calculi. Secondary stones – They are usually formed as a result of inflammation. It includes triple phosphate calculus and mixed stones. Calcium stones are the most common. They are made of calcium oxalate, phosphate or maleate. Vitamin C and spinach contain oxalate. Calcium stones are mostly seen in young men between the age of 20 and 30. Uric acid stones are more common in men than in women. They usually occur in people with gout or those going through chemotherapy. Cystine stones are rare. They occur in both men and women who have the genetic disorder cystinuria. Struvite stones are mostly found in women with urinary tract infections. These stones can be quite large and cause urinary obstruction. What are the symptoms of kidney stones?The symptoms of kidney stones are as follows:Severe pain in the lower abdomenBleeding through urinePersistent urinationExperiencing during urinationVomiting and nauseaFever due to immense pain What are the risk factors of kidney stones?The risk factors are as follows:DehydrationObesityHigh protein, salt or glucose dietGastric bypass surgeryFamily history of kidney stonesConsuming medicines such as diuretics, anti-seizure drugs etc. How Homeopathy helps in treating kidney stones?Homeopathy is the most natural mode of treatment for kidney stones and it cures the underlying cause of the problem. Homeopathic remedies are natural and safe. They help remove the stones present in the urinary tract either by crushing them into fine sand particles in a few cases or in the intact state.

Can monsoon cause dandruff, scalp infections and hair loss
The monsoon brings lots of relief from the hot summer to everyone. Monsoon is also known for its seasonal diseases, fungal infections, and viral fevers. Another less-known impact of monsoons is on hair. Due to the high humidity in the air, hair becomes sticky and greasy. The scalp becomes a breeding place for dandruff-causing infections. The scalp becomes oily resulting in hair fall and other infections.Why does one get dandruff?Dandruff is a common condition that causes the scalp’s skin to flake. Dandruff occurs when infected by a fungus called Malassezia. Though dandruff is not a frightful infection, it mainly causes itching and scalp scaling. If timely care is not taken, it leads to severe hair fall. Initially, dandruff can be treated with a gentle and mild shampoo. If the symptoms persist, medical assistance is compulsory. If you are already suffering from dandruff, frequent washing of hair worsens the condition as the skin becomes dry over the body, including the skin on the scalp. So especially during monsoon season, it is better to use a medicated shampoo.Sebaceous glands secrete sebum, which lubricates the hair and skin. The excessive production of sebum can lead to dandruff.Due to hormonal imbalance, the amount of sebum on the scalp increases, which is another cause of dandruff.When a person is under stress, hormonal changes contribute to dandruff.Dandruff flares up with the excessive use of gel and sprays for hairstyling. This aggravates the scalp and increases dandruff.Climatic conditions also play a key role in fungal infections, and dandruff is the most common infection.The polluted air consists of dirt accumulated in the hair, causing irritation to the scalp and developing dandruff as the pores get blocked.Wearing a hat creates a warm atmosphere on the scalp, which is most suitable for developing dandruff.Precautions to control dandruffAs dandruff is contagious, avoid sharing combs and pillows.Regular head washes with anti-dandruff shampoo, especially during monsoon season.When you have a dandruff problem visiting sunny areas like beaches, little sun exposure helps reduce dandruff.Home remedies include aloe vera gel, hot coconut oil, and neem leave massage.Scalp infections during monsoonsThough monsoon season looks pleasant, fresh and greenery everywhere, it brings many infections, especially scalp infections. The scalp gets infected if fungus or bacteria enter the scalp through hair follicles and damage the skin. Scalp infections can lead to various scalp skin rashes, including hair loss. Common scalp infections are:-Ringworm: No worm is involved in this scalp infection. It’s contagious and most common in school-going children. It spreads from person to person, animal to person, or even object to person. It’s a fungal scalp infection, causing itchy, scaly bald patches on the head, ring-shaped rash, red, scaly, cracked skin, and hair loss. Ringworm got its name because of its circular appearance.Precautions: You must wash your hands whenever you touch any body part during a ringworm infection. It helps from the spreading of the infection to other areas. After showering, the infected area should be dried, especially with a clean and dry towel. The infected areas should always be kept clean and dry.Causes for hair loss during monsoonsIn monsoon, one faces hair loss due to high humidity. People also face monsoon hair loss due to infections of the scalp. If one contracts flu or viral fevers, they also lead to hair loss. Apart from this, general reasons for hair loss are :Family historyHormonal imbalanceThyroid problemMedical conditionsHairstyles and treatmentsStressProtein deficiencyHow to prevent monsoon hair loss?Make sure that you are oiling the scalp regularly.Do not immediately rub the hair roughly if you get wet in the rain. This will lead to hair breaks.Cover your hair along with your body while going out in the rain.If it is windy, please tie your hair loosely, so it does not get too tangled. Tangled hair is prone to breakage.If you are sick and in bed, comb your hair at least once daily. If you leave it without combing, you will see a lot of hair fall after 2-3 days when you are combing.

Alopecia Treatment in Homeopathy
Are you concerned about your receding hairline when you look in the mirror? Do you like to cover your head under a cap? If the answer is 'Yes' especially among young people, it suggests a medical condition known as Androgenic Alopecia.According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), the onset of alopecia areata might be at any age; however, most patients develop the condition before the age of 40. Alopecia areata is a common kind of hair loss in which hair falls out in small patches, producing bald places. This is an auto-immune ailment that occurs when the immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing hair loss. Sudden hair loss on the scalp, brows, eyelashes, face and other regions of the body is possible. These alopecia patches may occur unexpectedly or in a short period. Alopecia patches frequently go unnoticed in their early stages.Here are a few natural home alopecia treatments for increasing hair growth and strengthening hair follicles, before that let’s understand the symptoms and causes of alopecia.Symptoms of AlopeciaExcessive hair fall noticed on the pillow and in the shower;Increase in the number of alopecia patches;Hair loss from beard, mustache, eyebrow, and other parts of the body;Patches of baldness fill up while new ones appear;Patchy hair loss after an episode of stress.Causes of AlopeciaAlopecia is an autoimmune condition in which hereditary factors play a significant role. Adult alopecia areata patients with a family history are expected to account for up to 8.6 percent of all cases. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), the study found that alopecia areata affects between 10and 51.6 percent of children.Home Remedies for AlopeciaCoconut OilCoconut oil contains nutrients such as vitamin E, K, and iron, which are beneficial for treating alopecia since they stimulate hair development and re-growth. Simply massage the oil into your scalp and hair, and then leave it on overnight.HoneyTo treat alopecia, apply honey to your scalp to remove pollutants that may be obstructing your hair follicles. It also helps to strengthen hair and promotes hair development.FenugreekHair loss is caused mostly by the production of dihydrotestosterone, and fenugreek is an effective inhibitor of its synthesis. It increases hair development and is a useful home treatment for people suffering from androgenetic alopecia.Aloe vera gelMassage aloe vera gel into your hair and scalp for 20 minutes before rinsing it away. Aloe vera gel functions as a stimulant, increasing blood circulation in your scalp and treating alopecia.Licorice rootThe amino acids and polysaccharides included in licorice root are beneficial for treating alopecia because they allow your scalp to absorb more nutrients by opening up pores, so nourishing your hair follicles, and stimulating hair growth.Curry leafCurry leaves provide essential nutrients that aid in reducing hair loss, encouraging re-growth of hair follicles, and preventing premature graying of hair.Green teaGreen tea contains catechins, saponins, and antioxidants that help stimulate hair follicles on your scalp and promote new hair development. It also promotes the removal of free radicals, which cause hair loss.Homeopathic Treatment for AlopeciaHomeopathic remedies are useful in promoting hair regrowth and controlling the progression and spread of bald areas.Homeopathy is a good treatment for psychological hair conditions such as stress-related patchy hair loss. According to a study conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology (NCBI), Natural compounds present in homeopathic medicines such as Thuja Occidentalis and Sabal Serrulata are useful in the treatment of alopecia. Homeopathy is a proven and successful hair treatment because it contains natural DHT [dihydrotestosterone]-inhibitors that promote hair renewal. Homeopathy is also beneficial for strengthening immunity, preventing the immune system from attacking hair follicles, which leads to hair loss.What is the most effective treatment for alopecia?Homeopathy is a safe and natural therapy option for alopecia. The homeopathic treatment for alopecia areata is created from natural materials and has no adverse effects. People of all ages can take the medications without danger of becoming addicted. Homeopathic alopecia treatment slows the spread of bald patches and promotes hair regeneration.This is a bio-engineered, non-invasive hair follicle treatment that eliminates the need for surgery. New Hair contains plant-based Plasma, which helps to strengthen follicles and encourage hair growth. This is a scientifically proven procedure that generates noticeable results after only six sessions.The first stage in treatment is a thorough and complete diagnosis of your illness. Following a comprehensive diagnosis, a specific treatment plan is devised for you. Our doctors understand the emotional distress that alopecia areata patients experience. We consult and guide you on how to cope with the situation in addition to providing treatment.

Homeopathy for food allergies
Imagine that you are living with food allergies. You can't enjoy many of your favourite foods because they could be harmful to you or even cause anaphylactic shock. There are many ways to eliminate these allergies. But homeopathy is one of the most effective and least invasive treatments for food allergies. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the body's natural healing process. These strengthen your immune system so it's less likely to have allergic reactions in the future.Causes of food allergiesLet's find out in detail what causes food allergies:1. Allergies to pollen (such as hay fever) and mould spores (such as the nasal symptoms of allergic rhinitis) are common in patients with food allergies.2. A food allergy happens when the body's immune system wrongly believes that food or substance (like peanuts) causes harm and creates antibodies against it. The immune system tries to fight off the "invader," causing allergic symptoms each time you eat or handle the food.Symptoms of food allergiesSkin problems - like hives, eczema, rashes;Breathing problems such as asthma;Digestive issues such as stomach cramps, vomiting, and diarrhoea;Nose and throat problems such as congestion, sneezing, and a runny nose;Behavioural changes like irritability or hyperactivity (in children).What triggers food allergies?A single ingredient isn’t always the culprit for food allergies. It might be a combination of different ingredients. Some common triggers are:Milk and dairy products - such as cheese, yogurt, and ice cream;Eggs - including albumin in egg whites;Peanuts - which come from a legume (not a proper nut);Tree nuts - such as walnuts, Brazil nuts, and almonds;Seeds - such as sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds;Fish and shellfish - such as tuna fish, shrimp, or lobster.How is homeopathic treatment effective to treat food allergies?Homeopathic treatment for food allergies is very effective and safe. It relieves your allergy symptoms and improves overall well-being. Homeopathic remedies stimulate your body's healing response. This helps to enhance food absorption and reduces inflammation in the gut. It also helps to strengthen your immune system.What are the advantages of homeopathic treatment for food allergies?Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic medicines act according to individual needs. Homeopathy will not aggravate allergies. It provides long-term results.How long does it take to treat food allergies with homeopathic treatment?The length of treatment depends on several factors such as the severity of the disease, age, overall health, etc. Generally, you will notice some improvement after two weeks; the best results are within one month.How to find the best homeopathic treatment for food allergies?It is always advisable to take proper treatment from a qualified homeopathic practitioner. Self-medication can be dangerous and can aggravate symptoms. We use individualized remedies to bring your body back in balance. We can reduce your need for medications such as antihistamines or epinephrine. Your doctor will advise you on how much medicine is suitable for you based on your condition and the severity of each case.

Acne Treatment with Homeopathy
Are you tired of seeing pimples on your face? Factors like stress, hormonal changes, and infections, could be a cause of breakouts. However, you are not in this alone! According to the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, around 9.4% of the global population suffers from acne problems.Acne is a common problem seen in teens and adults today. There are times when we ask ourselves whether acne can be prevented. There are several different ways to manage acne; let us tell you 10 such things you can do to treat acne:10 things you can do to treat acne1. Apple Cider Vinegar: It consists of organic citric, succinic, and lactic acids to fight bacteria and fungi.Mix Apple Cider Vinegar with three parts of water. Apply the mixture to your skin using a cotton ball. Leave it on for 20 seconds and rinse. Follow this process twice a day to get results.2. Zinc supplements: Zinc is an essential nutrient that improves cell growth, hormone production, metabolism, and immune functioning to treat acne. Consume foods that include eggs, meats, nuts, seafood, seeds, wheat germ, and whole grains to help manage acne.3. Cinnamon and honey mask: This fights bacterium and reduces inflammation from causing acne. Mix two teaspoons of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon to a pasty consistency. Apply the mix on your face and keep it for 10-15 minutes. Later, rinse the mask off and pat it dry.4. Tea Tree Oil: It is an essential oil that can fight bacteria causing acne. Tea tree oil can also help reduce inflammation that is another cause of acne.Mix one part of tea tree oil with nine parts of water and apply it to the affected areas. Repeat this process two times a day for better results.5. Green Tea: A high source of antioxidants that can help promote good health. Green Tea also consists of polyphenols that fight bacteria and viruses to give you acne-free skin.Keep the green tea in boiling water for 4 minutes. Allow the tea to cool down, and then apply it to your skin with the help of a cotton ball or a spray bottle. Let it dry and then rinse it off.6. Aloe Vera: It is a topical plant that helps treat acne. Aloe Vera consists of salicylic acid that can reduce acne effectively.Remove the aloe vera gel from the leaf and apply it directly to the skin. Repeat this process twice a day to keep your skin hydrated.7. Witch hazel: Extracted from a witch hazel shrub with strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps treat acne.Add one teaspoon of witch hazel to one cup of water and soak it for 30 minutes. Later, cover and keep the witch hazel on a low flame for 10 minutes. Keep it on for another 10 minutes without the lid. Then strain out the liquid and apply it to the skin. Follow this process twice a day to get the desired results.8. Wash your face regularly: Washing your face helps remove excess oil, dirt, and sweat that can cause acne. It is advisable to use cleansers that are sulphate-free, fragrance-free, and gentle enough for daily use.Dampen your face with warm water. Apply a mild cleanser and gently move it in a circular motion. Later, rinse thoroughly and pat dry.9. Keep yourself hydrated: Drinking water can help cleanse your skin internally and prevent acne from forming. Drink enough water and keep yourself hydrated to avoid any more breakouts.10. Eat healthily: Reduce the consumption of foods with a high Glycaemic index, such as cakes, chocolates, and white bread, because these can marginally increase your blood sugar levels. Consume foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts that can reduce the risk of acne.Homeopathic Treatment for AcneAlong with these remedies, homeopathy is a natural, safe, and side-effect-free solution to your acne problems. Our homeopathic doctors run an in-depth diagnosis of your skin condition to give you a treatment solution that best suits you. Homeopathic MediFacial and HydraFacial - India's first, instant result-oriented and medically proven treatment, helps treat several skin-related ailments. It is combined with the goodness of innovative Korean technology, a European-made serum and active homeopathic ingredients. This comes with skin brightening, lightening, cleansing and rejuvenating treatment that gives you an effective skin treatment with instantly visible results.
Category 2

Best homeopathic medicines for respiratory infection
Raymond Seidel, MD, HMD, said that he decided to become a homeopathic doctor during the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 when he was working as a delivery boy for a homeopath in New Jersey. As he delivered remedies from homeopaths to their patients, he noticed that those taking homeopathy were all doing well while those taking aspirin were not. Seidel later stated, “I saw that the people who were taking aspirin were dying. . . and those that received homeopathic remedies were living.”The mortality rate of people treated with orthodox medicine and drugs for the Spanish flu was 28 percent. In comparison, those treated by homeopathic physicians had a mortality rate of only 1 percent.1 Nor is the Spanish flu an isolated example—the use of homeopathy in epidemics has stood the test of time (see Table 1). In 2018, after conducting an extensive literature search, Dr. Jennifer Jacobs concluded that several different homeopathic methods can be employed during epidemics.2SCARLET FEVER AND CHOLERADr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was a linguist, chemist, physician and founder of homeopathy. In 1799, Hahnemann made the accidental discovery that homeopathic Belladonna could be used as both a treatment and preventive for scarlet fever (also known as scarlatina).Hahnemann wrote: “I reasoned thus, a remedy that is capable of quickly checking a disease in its onset, must be its best preventive; and the following occurrence strengthened me in the correctness of this conclusion: Some weeks previously three children of another family lay ill of a very bad scarlet fever; the eldest daughter alone, who, up to that period, had been taking Belladonna internally for an external affection on the joints of her fingers, to my great astonishment did not catch the fever, although during the prevalence of other epidemics she had always been the first to take them.”3Hahnemann continued: “This circumstance completely confirmed my idea. I now hesitated not to administer to the other five children of this numerous family this divine remedy, as a preservative, in very small doses, and, as the particular action of this plant does not last above three days, I repeated the dose every seventy-two hours, and they all remained perfectly well without the slightest symptoms throughout the whole course of the epidemic, and amid the most virulent scarlatina emanations from the sisters who lay ill with the disease.”3In 1831, the Russian community enlisted Hahnemann to assist in treating cases of so-called Asian cholera. Mortality was as high as 66 percent with the conventional care of the day. According to modern accounts of this period, “a murderous epidemic came over Europe from Russia (about 2,000,000 [sic] victims) with tremendous speed and mortality. The Baltic countries, Poland (1100 deaths in Warsaw alone) and Galicia were already affected. In Prussia and Austria frontiers were closed and quarantine facilities were constructed. Nonetheless, the Asian Cholera could not be halted.” 4Applying sound homeopathic theory, Hahnemann collected common symptoms of the disease and prescribed appropriate homeopathic remedies in an effective method that is now known as “genus epidemicus.” His treatment was highly successful and even came to be recommended by conventional physicians of the day.4Genus epidemicus is derived from identifying the characteristic symptoms expressed during an epidemic, such as a wet or tickling cough, high fever, chills, sweating and so forth. These symptoms will point to a few remedies in most of the cases. Homeopaths can then quickly deduce which remedy to give by identifying the outstanding symptoms in a particular case and choosing among these remedies.

Homeopathy And The Treatment Of Epidemics
There is one drug which directly or indirectly was the cause of the loss of more lives than was influenza itself. You all know that drug. It claims to be Salicylic acid. Aspirin’s history has been printed. Today you don’t know what the sedative action of Salicylic acid is. It did harm in two ways. Its indirect action came through the fact that Aspirin was taken until prostration resulted and the patient developed pneumonia.—-Frank L. New ton, M, D., Somerville, Mass. I did not lose a single case of influenza; my death rate in the pneumonias was 2.1%. The salycilates, including Aspirin and Quinine, were almost the sole standbys of the old school and it was a common thing to hear them speaking of losing 60% of their pneumonias.–Dudley A. Williams, M. D., Providence R. I. Three hundred and fifty cases and lost one, a neglected pneumonia that came to me after she had taken one hundred grains of Aspirin in twenty-four hours.–Cora Smith King, M. D., Washington, D. C. Dean W. A. Pearson of Philadelphia collected 26,795 cases of influenza treated by homeopathic physicians with a mortality of 1.05%, while the average old school mortality is 30%. My low death rate at Camp Lee was due entirely to the fact that I avoided the use of Aspirin absolutely. I was complimented by the chief medical officer as having the lowest death rate in the hospital. After the medical chief had noted the effect of Aspirin on the blood and the results which I was having in using Homeopathy he discouraged the use of Aspirin and the death rate came down very rapidly after that ruling. Carleton A. Harkness, M. D., Chicago. In Hahnemann Hospital of San Francisco, homeopathic remedies acted in a curative way while, with some other forms of treatment, the result was only palliative-Laura A. Hurd, M. D., San Francisco. Fifteen hundred cases were reported at the Homeopathic Medical Society of the District of Columbia with but fifteen deaths. Recoveries in the National Homeopathic Hospital were 100%0.E. F. Sappington, M, D., Philadelphia. I attended over one hundred cases without any fatalities. I never deviated from the homeopathic remedy. I never gave Aspirin. One case that was loaded with Aspirin before I saw him, referred to me from an old school physician, died. This epidemic should encourage us to renewed faith in Homeopathy, -G. H. Wright, M. D., Fores! Glen, Md. The German Aspirin has killed more people than the German bullets killed.-C. J. Loizeaux, M. D., Des Moines, Iowa.

Acid Reflux (GERD) : Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Acid reflux refers to the condition in which the acid in the stomach goes back up into the esophagus or food pipe. Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD is diagnosed when there is acid reflux more than twice a week. It is the most common digestive disease, especially in Western countries. However, if continued for long, it can cause serious complications.What are the sign and symptoms of acid reflux?The various sign and symptoms of acid reflux are:-Heartburn – This refers to the burning sensation felt behind the breastbone area. It can move up towards the throat and neck. It worsens after eating lying down or bending over. At times the stomach acids reach the back of the throat and cause a sour or bitter taste.Heartburn may be due to a single episode of excessive eating or may persist two or more times in a week. In the latter condition, it is called GERD.Persistent, dry coughWheezingNauseaVomitingSoreness, laryngitis or hoarseness in the throatPain or difficulty on swallowingUpper abdominal or chest painDental erosionBad breat

How Psoriasis Treatment in Homeopathy provides long-term relief?
Do you have thick, silvery scales on your skin? Do you have cracked or dry skin?Is itching, burning, or discomfort bothering you? If this is the case, you'll need long-long-term relief from psoriasis. Homeopathy can safely and effectively handle all of the difficulties but, still if you are not sure how homeopathy works.Then you've come to the right place. Here, we'll explain how homeopathy can help you treat your psoriasis lesions holistically, first understand what psoriasis is?What is Psoriasis?Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that accelerates the life cycle of skin cells. This causes cells to accumulate on the skin's surface. These cells produce silvery scales and red or purple areas, which can be irritating or uncomfortable. Scales can cover significant sections of your body or just a few spots.Psoriasis is a chronic condition. You may experience flare-ups with moments of clarity in between. There is no cure, although homeopathy medication can help manage symptoms.What Causes Psoriasis?Nobody knows what causes psoriasis, but doctors believe it's a combination of factors. Inflammation is caused by a problem with the immune system, which causes new skin cells to develop too quickly. Skin cells are normally renewed every 10 to 30 days. Psoriasis causes new cells to multiply every 3 to 4 days. Those silver scales are formed by the buildup of old cells being replaced by new ones.Psoriasis symptomsThe signs and symptoms of psoriasis differ from person to person. The following are some common signs and symptoms:Skin areas that are red and coated in thick, silvery scalesSpots of minor scaling (commonly seen in children)Skin that is dry and damaged and may bleed or itchItching, burning, or painNails that are thickened, pitted or ridgedJoint swelling and stiffnessPsoriasis treatment in homeopathy The most common form of psoriasis treatment is the use of topical ointments and lotions containing steroids and retinoids. UV light treatment, as well as oral medication, all function on a surface level to limit cell turnover and hence remove flakes from the skin. Steroid injections for psoriatic arthritis may be given in severe situations. It is crucial to remember that these treatments might have negative effects if used for an extended period and can only put psoriasis into remission, not treat it.Homeopathy is based on two theories. The first is "like cures like," which indicates that a medication that creates identical symptoms in healthy persons can treat an ailment. The second is the "rule of minimum dose," which states that the smaller the dose, the greater the effectiveness.Homeopathy gives psoriasis patients hope. This form of treatment takes a holistic approach to treating the illness from the root.Because the immune system is so important in this illness, homeopathy, which can enhance the defense system, helps in not only managing but also treating psoriasis. Homeopathy views the patient as a whole, taking into account their environment, temperament, and other symptoms.How homeopathy provides long-term relief from psoriasis?Homeopathic remedies function at the nano-molecular level, helping the immune system resolve misdirected defense attacks. As a result, homeopathy not only has a long-lasting effect but also has a long-lasting treatment. Homeopathic medicine is prescribed after a careful evaluation of an individual's temperamental makeup and a detailed history taking of the patient's mental as well as physical preferences and traits. The treatment differs for each patient because no two patients are alike, even if they are suffering from the same medical ailment.