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Homeopathic Medicine

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Homeopathic Medicine
Homeopathic medicines contain very small amounts of natural substances derived from plants, minerals, and animal substances that are known for their pharmacological or biological actions. The active ingredients of homeopathic medicines are generally identified by the Latin name of their source. For example, apis mellifica (commonly known as honeybee).
Homeopathic treatments are based on the “principle of similars,” which loosely means “let likes be cured with likes.” For example, drinking too much coffee can make you feel jittery, but a homeopathic medicine containing a microdose of a coffee bean (Coffea Cruda) can help relieve nervousness.
There are three other classes of Homeopathic medicines - Nosodes, Sarcodes and Impondarablia. Nosodes are the medicines prepared from disease producing organisms like bacteria, viruses, etc., and from disease products like Tuberculosis Lungs, Cancerous Tissues etc. Sarcodes are the medicines prepared from healthy organs or tissues of organisms like Thyroid, Pituitary, Pancreas etc. Impondarablia comprises of the medicines derived from energy sources like x-ray, Solar Rays, Electricity etc.
Some of the sources of Homoeopathic medicines are:
1. Plant / Vegetable Kingdom
Most of the homeopathic medicines are obtained from plants. Medicines are derived either from the whole plant or from a specific part of the plant namely bark; leaves; seeds; flowers; stem; fruits; roots (fresh or dried); algae or fungi.
Medicines are prepared from all kinds of plants including poisonous & carnivorous plants. Some of the homoeopathic medicines that are derived from plant kingdom are Belladonna, Calendula, Arnica, Bryonia, Pulsatilla, etc.
2. Animal Kingdom
Certain homeopathic medicines are prepared from the animal kingdom. The method of preparation is same as that of the plant kingdom. Here, the only difference lies in the source of medicine which is either living or dried whole animal; different parts; secretions; etc. Medicines are also prepared from the milk & venoms of poisonous animals.
Examples of medicines prepared from animals are Blatta orientalis prepared from Indian cocrkroach; Tarentula Hispania prepared from poison of spider; Naja prepared from cobra posion; etc.
3. Mineral Kingdom
Approximately 20% of the homoeopathic drugs are prepared from elements, minerals, acids or compounds. Individual minerals or their compounds are taken to prepare medicines. The method of homoeopathic drug preparation eliminates the toxicity of the metals, making it safe for use.
Examples of homeopathic preparations from minerals are Natrum Mur derived from table salt; Cuprum Met from Copper; Aurum Met obtained from Gold; Ferrum Met from Iron; etc.
4. Nosodes
Nosodes are homoeopathic medicines prepared from morbid tissues or secretions; including blood, discharges, pus or saliva. Microbes, bacteria, viruses are also used to prepare nosodes. The toxicity of the substance is removed through the process of potentisation and higher potencies are prepared. One need not fear from this source of medicine as the medicines are free from any harmful substance.
Example of homeopathic medicines obtained from diseased tissues are Ambra grisea which is considered to be a disease-product derived from the whale; Tuberculinum is obtained from sterilized tuberculosis bacteria; Anthracinum is derived from the diseased spleen of sheep; etc.
5. Sarcodes
Sarcodes are prepared from healthy parts, tissues or secretions of animals. Higher potencies of homoeopathic drugs are prepared that are efficacious in treatment of several conditions.
Example, Drug Pancreatin is prepared from the secretion of pancreas.
6. Imponderabilia
Imponderabilia means “which is not weighable”. Substances which have no perceptible weights are used from preparing homoeopathic medicines. Drugs are prepared from immaterial power or universal energies such as electricity, magnetism, X-rays, Sunrays, Lunar rays, etc.
An example of a drug prepared from imponderabilia is X- Ray which is prepared by exposing alcohol to X–rays.
Some of the sources of Homoeopathic medicines are:
1. Plant / Vegetable Kingdom
Most of the homeopathic medicines are obtained from plants. Medicines are derived either from the whole plant or from a specific part of the plant namely bark; leaves; seeds; flowers; stem; fruits; roots (fresh or dried); algae or fungi.
Medicines are prepared from all kinds of plants including poisonous & carnivorous plants. Some of the homoeopathic medicines that are derived from plant kingdom are Belladonna, Calendula, Arnica, Bryonia, Pulsatilla, etc.
2. Animal Kingdom
Certain homeopathic medicines are prepared from the animal kingdom. The method of preparation is same as that of the plant kingdom. Here, the only difference lies in the source of medicine which is either living or dried whole animal; different parts; secretions; etc. Medicines are also prepared from the milk & venoms of poisonous animals.
Examples of medicines prepared from animals are Blatta orientalis prepared from Indian cocrkroach; Tarentula Hispania prepared from poison of spider; Naja prepared from cobra posion; etc.
3. Mineral Kingdom
Approximately 20% of the homoeopathic drugs are prepared from elements, minerals, acids or compounds. Individual minerals or their compounds are taken to prepare medicines. The method of homoeopathic drug preparation eliminates the toxicity of the metals, making it safe for use.
Examples of homeopathic preparations from minerals are Natrum Mur derived from table salt; Cuprum Met from Copper; Aurum Met obtained from Gold; Ferrum Met from Iron; etc.
4. Nosodes
Nosodes are homoeopathic medicines prepared from morbid tissues or secretions; including blood, discharges, pus or saliva. Microbes, bacteria, viruses are also used to prepare nosodes. The toxicity of the substance is removed through the process of potentisation and higher potencies are prepared. One need not fear from this source of medicine as the medicines are free from any harmful substance.
Example of homeopathic medicines obtained from diseased tissues are Ambra grisea which is considered to be a disease-product derived from the whale; Tuberculinum is obtained from sterilized tuberculosis bacteria; Anthracinum is derived from the diseased spleen of sheep; etc.
5. Sarcodes
Sarcodes are prepared from healthy parts, tissues or secretions of animals. Higher potencies of homoeopathic drugs are prepared that are efficacious in treatment of several conditions.
Example, Drug Pancreatin is prepared from the secretion of pancreas.
6. Imponderabilia
Imponderabilia means “which is not weighable”. Substances which have no perceptible weights are used from preparing homoeopathic medicines. Drugs are prepared from immaterial power or universal energies such as electricity, magnetism, X-rays, Sunrays, Lunar rays, etc.
An example of a drug prepared from imponderabilia is X- Ray which is prepared by exposing alcohol to X–rays.