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About Dr. Patel’s™ Clinic

About Dr. Patel’s™ Clinic
We are a team of dedicated doctors with years of expertise in the field of Homoeopathy and allopathy and hands on experience with latest techniques to treat our patients. We have carved a niche for providing an effective and reliable treatments for various health problems such as gynaecological problems, paediatric concerns, hair care issues, skin related conditions and other common health issues.
We believe that every patient who comes to us, is coming to us with a hope that if homeopathy can help, then, Dr. Patel’s™ Clinic is ideally the best place to rely on and we thrive to that it takes to ensure that this trust is not broken.
To be the first choice in health care for our communities. To be a leader in providing quality, compassionate patient-centered care that seeks physical cures and comforts as well as peace of mind and peace of heart.
To provide our patients, their families and our community with extraordinary healthcare service. To ensure peace of mind through high quality, compassionate treatment and to deliver care beyond their expectations.
Our Belief
At Dr. Patel’s™ clinic, our belief is that the highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health, or removal and annihilation of disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, without any side effects on easily comprehensible principles.
Homeopathic Therapy is an Age-Old natural medication totally for you and your family of all ages. The medicines are created from fine particles extracted from plants, animals, or minerals suspended in distilled water or spirit. The essence of the medicine is very effective and strengthens the body, mind, and heart with the aim of triggering the body’s own healing mechanisms.
Mordern Infrastructure With Advanced Clinic