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Teething: Are homeopathic products safe for y

There are a range of products available in the market nowdays, making the teething process a lot easier or comfortable both for the baby and parents.
New Delhi: Teething can be a painful moment for the baby. During this time, the baby may show some symptoms, including fussiness or irritability, gum swelling and sensitivity, refusing or changes in eating habits, sleep problems, etc.
Some believe babies also develop fever and diarrhoea during teething, which experts disagree and say these common sysmptoms may coincidentally appear at the same time as emerging teeth.
There are a range of products available in the market nowdays, making the teething process a lot easier or comfortable both for the baby and parents. Of all the options, parents often opt for medications, including natural and homeopathic teething remedies to relieve pain. Besides, there are many different toys and objects that babies can chew on to massage the gums and help the teeth break through.
However, it appears that these remedies have their own dark side. Recently, the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has issued warning against the use of homeopathic teething tablets and gels, creating confusion among parents and limited access to medicines.
As per reports, the FDA is investigating a link between homeopathic teething products and adverse reactions in more than 400 babies - including seizures, shortness of breath, vomiting, constipation and 10 infant deaths.
The FDA has warned parents against use of these products and many pharmacies have also pulled the products from their shelves.
The potential health risks of homeopathic products were first alerted by the FDA back in 2010, when it warned about Hyland's Teething Tablets, which were found to contain belladonna, better known as deadly nightshade, a highly poisonous plant. Belladona has been used as both an analgesic and a poison.
As of now, the incidences haven't been officially linked to homeopathic teething products as the FDA is in the preliminary stages of investigation into the allegations.
In fact the use of homeopathic remedies to treat health conditions is regarded as unethical by many conventional medical practitioners. However, many people continue to use homeopathic products.
The FDA warning can serve as a real 'eye-opener' for parents with regard to the use of homeopathic products in children. It is always better to be safe than to get into dangerous situations which make you regretted later.