Vocal Cord Nodule
Homeopathic Treatment for Vocal Cord Nodule
A polyp is a growth (usually benign) protruding from a mucous membrane. When polyps are seen over vocal cords they are called as vocal polyps or vocal nodules. Vocal cords are like two strings present in the voice box (larynx) and are absolutely essential for phonation. Nodules on the vocal cords interfere with normal voice functioning and produce a hoarse, breathy or weak voice.
Vocal nodules develop from various reasons ranging from voice overuse (such as prolonged singing, shouting or loud talking) or cigarette smoke, viral infection, or chronic inflammation and sinusitis. Moreover, it is believed that polyps or nodules are an allergic inflammatory reaction. Allergy is an altered state of normal immunity that overreacts to otherwise harmless agents.
The commonest symptom of vocal nodules is hoarseness. The voice may also sound low-pitched or slightly breathy.
Homeopaty Treatment:
Homeopathic approach towards vocal nodules is more totalistic and holistic. Rather than considering nodules as a local problem, they are considered to be an affection of the constitution. Moreover, allergy (which lies at the root of this problem) is a constitutional problem and calls for constitutional approach for its management. Homeopathic treatment is based on same constitutional approach for management of any disease. Not only does Homeopathy help in resolving the nodules that have already formed, it also helps in preventing the recurrence of the vocal nodules.
Homeopathy has a very positive role in the management of vocal polyps, especially when they are small in size. In case of professionals for whom voice is the only thing that matters, risk of alteration of voice quality as a complication of surgery, can be very serious. Interestingly, timely administered homeopathy treatment can help avoid surgery.
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