What is Vitiligo ? :
Vitiligo (often called leucoderma) is a disorder where the skin loses its color in patches of irregular shapes and sizes. This is a pigmentation disorder which means that melanocytes (the pigment-producing cells) in the skin get destroyed. This results in the development of white patches on the skin. Homeopathic medicine for vitiligo like Arsenic Sulph Falvus, Arsenic Album, Baryta Mur and Baryta Carb can treat the problem effectively. The hairs which are growing in that area may lose their color and turn gray. This disorder also leads to psychological issues relating to appearances and at times in certain individuals (mainly the adolescents and the young) this stress can take enormous proportions particularly if Vitiligo develops on visible areas of the body, such as the face, hands, arms, feet, or on the genitals. They develop very strong emotions of being embarrassed, depressed, or worried about how others will react.
Symtomps :
Vitiligo signs include:
- Patchy loss of skin color, which usually first appears on the hands, face, and areas around body openings and the genitals.
- Premature whitening or graying of the hair on your scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows or beard
- Loss of color in the tissues that line the inside of the mouth and nose (mucous membranes)
Vitiligo can start at any age, but usually appears before age 30.
Depending on the type of vitiligo you have, it may affect:
- Nearly all skin surfaces. With this type, called universal vitiligo, the discoloration affects nearly all skin surfaces.
- Many parts of the body. With this most common type, called generalized vitiligo, the discolored patches often progress similarly on corresponding body parts (symmetrically).
- Only one side or part of the body. This type, called segmental vitiligo, tends to occur at a younger age, progress for a year or two, then stop.
- One or only a few areas of the body. This type is called localized (focal) vitiligo.
- The face and hands. With this type, called acrofacial vitiligo, the affected skin is on the face and hands, and around body openings, such as the eyes, nose and ears.
It's difficult to predict how this disease will progress. Sometimes the patches stop forming without treatment. In most cases, pigment loss spreads and eventually involves most of the skin. Occasionally, the skin gets its color back.
Causes :
Vitiligo occurs when pigment-producing cells (melanocytes) die or stop producing melanin — the pigment that gives your skin, hair and eyes color. The involved patches of skin become lighter or white. It's unclear exactly what causes these pigment cells to fail or die. It may be related to:
- A disorder of the immune system (autoimmune condition)
- Family history (heredity)
- A trigger event, such as stress, severe sunburn or skin trauma, such as contact with a chemical
Complications :
People with vitiligo may be at increased risk of:
- Social or psychological distress
- Sunburn
- Eye problems
- Hearing loss
Homeopathy for Vitiligo :
- Homeopathy tries to treat the root cause by correcting the dysfunction or overactivity at the level of the immune system.
- Homeopathic medicines control the further spread of vitiligo.
- It stimulates the skin pigments melanocytes to generate melanin and hence helps to regain the normal skin color. It also reduces the destruction of melanocytes.
- Homeopathic medicines are effective, safe, and give long-lasting relief without any side effects.
- Vitiligo cases that are not extensive respond well to homeopathic treatment, whereas in extensive cases, control can be achieved.
Homeopathic medicines are selected on the basis of the individualistic approach where a detailed case study is done on the basis of various factors, such as the nature and spread of vitiligo, affected areas of the body, past medical history, family history, associated diseases, environmental, emotional, and hormonal factors affecting a person, the past and current treatment, etc.
- It controls the further progression of the disease.
- It stimulates the natural process of melanogenesis (the process of melanocyte formation) and stops the destruction of melanocytes.
- In cases with the rapid spread of vitiligo, homeopathic treatment controls the progress or spread of vitiligo.
- Well-selected homeopathic medicines try to modify genetic disposition.
- It treats the after-effects of the triggers, which leads to vitiligo (environmental factors, emotional factors, etc.). Homeopathy prepares and elevates the immune system to cope with the after-effect of the triggering factors.
- If needed, homeopathic treatment may correct the hormonal imbalance in indicated cases (like in the case of thyroid disorders).
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