Verruca Plana
Homeopathic Treatment for Verruca Plans
Verruca Plana is also known as flat warts. They are usually harmless and painless, and many go away on their own after months to years. They tend to stay small in size, but they can be numerous in quantity. They often spread to other places on the body by scratching or shaving.
They are common growths caused by an infection of the surface (superficial) skin with the human papillomavirus (HPV), which thickens the top skin layer.
Warts may spread in humans by person-to-person contact or, rarely, by touching an object used by an infected person. They are not highly contagious and usually require a small break in the skin to become infected. Warts can be found on people of all ages, all races, and both sexes. However, warts are most commonly seen in youths aged 12-16 years.
The most common locations for flat warts include the following:
- Face, especially in children
- Neck
- Backs of hands
- Arms
- Legs, especially in women who shave
- Beard area, especially in men who shave
Homeopathic Remedies for Verruca plana
Some of the commonly indicated homeopathic medicines for verruca plans are as under:
Anacardium orientalis: This is an example of how a toxic plant substance if transformed into effective yet safe homeopathic medicine. Patients of warts required in Anacardium often them warts on palms or soles. The warts are likely to be flat, in the palms and soles or near the fingers or toes. At the level of mind and emotions, the patient may have lack of self-confidence, indecisive and some form of weakness, called as neurasthenia. Such patients often have dual thoughts, which may be contrary to each other. However, it is not necessary that the patients of warts requiring Anacardium have to have such emotional symptoms.
Causticum:One of the greatest homeopathic medicines for warts of all types, including verruca plana, warts on neck, palms, face or anywhere on the body. Individuals requiring Causticum for warts tend to have strong mental capability, powerful moral courage and fearlessness. Such patients tend to be defiant, and yet, they are likely to have compassion and sympathy for the fellow beings. Kind hearted yet strong willed, that is the combination this remedy has. Causticum may help get rid of warts of many types, including warts on the genitals. Causticum cannot remove or cure skin tags which are often found on the neck and armpits.
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