Underactive Thyroid (Hypothyroidism)
Homeopathy Treatment for Underactive Thyroid (Hypothyroidism)
Underactive Thyroid denotes under activity of the thyroid gland, whereby thyroid gland does not secrete an adequate amount of T3 and T4 hormones. Research-proven homeopathic treatment offers medicines which stimulate the gland, enabling it to secrete normal levels of hormones.
Duration of treatment:
The total length of treatment varies from case to case, depending on the following factors:
- Duration of Underactive Thyroid (We are able to produce best results in the cases up to three years duration)
- Extent of dysfunction (Levels of TSH and T3, T4 hormones)
- Concurrent thyroid supplement.( Patients who are on thyroid supplement for more than 2 years do not respond to homeopathy)
- Age of the patient: Our experience is that that patients below 45 respond better
Results are observed within four to six months whereby TSH levels reduce. Patients who are on thyroid supplement may take time to reduce the supplement, keeping a watch on the thyroid hormone levels. Treatment of Underactive Thyroid is long term.
The Limitations of homeopathy:
- Homeopathic treatment works in early cases of Underactive Thyroid
- Those patients on thyroid supplement for more than two years may not show results
- The treatment works if the thyroid gland has some inherent capacity to get activated.
- Success rate is about 50 to 60%
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