Trachoma Homeopathy Treatment
It is an infectious disease that can cause swelling of the outermost covering of the eye called the conjunctiva, pain and discharge from the eyes with itching. It spreads through touch, using common clothes, door knobs used by the affected person, flies and domestic animals can be a cause of mechanical spread. Poor personal hygiene and lack of toilets and latrines is the cause of this blinding disease if left untreated.
It is the world's commonest cause of infectious eye diseases leading to blindness. It is currently existent in Africa, Asia, Middle East and some parts of Latin America and Australia where it assumes endemic proportions by affecting the preteen children and women.
Bacteria by the name of Chlamydia Trachoma is are the cause of Trachoma.
- Painful eyes,
- swollen eyelids,
- sticky, slimy discharge from the eyes,
- inward protraction of the eyelashes,
- itching of the eyes and ear, nose and throat infection.
Maintaining good hygiene and sanitation are essential to prevent this disease of the developing countries which has been eradicated from the developed countries. The steps include:
- Avoid physical contact with a person suffering from trachoma
- Personal cleanliness, especially of face and hands is important.
- Washing hands and face frequently with soap and water is important even in children who are already infected to prevent re-infection.
- Keep separate towels ,handkerchiefs and linens for each member of the family.
- Wash hands after handling domestic animals.
- Keep the food covered and use latrines and toilets for defecation to prevent breeding of flies.
- Avoid crowded places.
Homeopathic Treatment:
Homeopathy can play a major role in treatment of the disease. It can treat acute and recurring stages of the disease, chronic trachoma needs surgical intervention. Blindness resulting from Trachoma cannot be treated using homeopathy, please note.
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