Tinnitus Treatment in Homeopathy
Tinnitus is an annoying condition where one hears abnormal sound without actually it being there.
Different patients describe the sound differently, such as ringing, buzzing, high pitched whining, hissing, shrieking, humming, whistling sound, etc. It is a subjective perception.
In most cases, tinnitus would be continuous. However, in many it may be intermittent, getting more pronounced under certain circumstances. Many patients would complaint of this as very severe and disturbing sensation.
Actually, tinnitus is not a disease but a symptom of disease.
Causes of tinnitus:
- Ear infections
- Wax in the ear
- Nasal allergies
- Drugs (Certain antibiotics, pain killers, methotrexate, quinine, aspirin)
- Noise induced hearing loss
- Prolonged exposure to loud noise (industrial )
- Ear or head injury
- Emotional disorders such as anxiety, depression
In many cases, however, no underlying physical cause can be identified.
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