Thalassemia Minor
Homeopathy Treatment for Thalassemia
Thalassemia is a group of genetic disorders characterized by production of abnormal hemoglobin in red blood cells. It is sometimes called Mediterranean anemia, von Jaksch anemia or Cooley's anemia, named after the physicians who first diagnosed it. Thalassemia affects all races.
Symptoms :
In severe forms of thalassemia, symptoms encountered are:
- Breathlessness (dyspnea)
- Jaundice
- Abdomen appears distended or protruded due to an enlarged spleen and liver.
- Pale skin due to anemia
- Bone pains
- Abnormal growth of facial bones.
- Child shows poor growth and short stature.
Causes :
Thalassemia is a genetic disorder. It is the most common, inherited single gene disorder in the world. Many possible variant and mutant forms are possible.
All red blood cells contain ‘hemoglobin’. The hemoglobin in the blood picks up oxygen from the lungs and transports it to all body tissues. It also picks up carbon dioxide from these tissues and delivers it to the lungs to be expired out of our bodies.
‘Hemoglobin’ has two major components. ‘Heme’Ã the ferrous (iron) component and ‘globin’ Ã the protein part. The globin part constitutes alpha and beta protein chains.
If the genes responsible do not produce enough of alpha or beta chains, the red cells cannot carry hemoglobin properly. The result would be anemia which starts in early childhood and lasts all through life.
There are several forms of hemoglobin (Hb). The common ones are HbA, HbA2, HbF, HbS, HbC, Hgb H, and Hgb M.
Healthy adults only have significant levels of HbA and HbA2.
HbS is an abnormal type of hemoglobin associated with sickle cell disease. HbC is also an abnormal form of hemoglobin associated with hemolytic anemia (anemia due to increased destruction of red blood cells).
Homeopathic Treatment for Thalassemia:
Homeopathy addresses the root cause and offers medication which are help eventually reduce the need for frequent blood transfusion. Homeopathic medicines also help to improve immune status, which in turn also controls frequent attacks of respiratory infections. Role of homeopathic treatment is supplementary in case of Thalassemia.
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