Steven Johnsons Syndrome
Steven Johnsons Syndrome Homeopathic Treatment
Stevens - Johnson syndrome is a rare but serious disorder of the skin and mucous membranes characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane leading to the red or purplish rash. Stevens - Johnson syndrome is often an unwanted gift of the conventional drugs. One of the major groups of drugs is pain killer medicines which are often bought over the counter such as Paracetamol, NSAD, etc.
Causes :
The exact cause is not fully understood. However it is considered that it is a specific type of allergic reaction to medications or infections. Medications:
- Cox-2 inhibitors
- Sulfonamides or penicillin for infections
- Anticonvulsants
Homeopathic Treatment for Steven Johnson Syndrome
We have recorded significant symptomatic relief in such cases. We would like to undertake and study more cases of Stevens - Johnson syndrome. Homeopathy is strongly recommended for Stevens - Johnson Syndrome.
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