Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
Homeopathy Treatment For Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis is a common, chronic, superficial skin disorder causing scaly, itchy, red skin on the scalp, face, upper chest, back and other oily areas in the body. Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the leading causes of stubborn dandruff and occurs in all age groups. This condition primarily affects the sebaceous cysts present in the skin.
The sebaceous glands are present nearly everywhere in our skin except on the palms and soles. These glands secrete an oily substance (sebum) which consists of fat, and dead fat-producing cells.
Symptoms :
- Patchy scaling and thick crusts on scalp
- Plaques may include the scalp, eyebrows, nose, forehead, or ears.
- Sometimes it may affect your breastbone, your groin area, and your armpits.
- Scales may be white or yellowish and attach themselves to the body of the hair
- Greasy, red skin with white or yellowish, flaky scales
- Skin flakes or dandruff
- Small red-brown bumps on skin
- Itch or soreness
- Hair loss: this occurs in very long-standing cases having repeated inflammations of the sebaceous gland
- Dandruff is thought to be closely related to seborrheic dermatitis, but is less severe.
In infants, the condition commonly affects the scalp and is called ‘cradle cap’.
Causes :
Seborrheic dermatitis is thought to be due to a combination of an over production of skin oil and irritation from a yeast called malessizia.
Persons prone to seborrheic dermatitis respond unfavorable to an infection with malessizia furfur resulting in itchy, flaky, red, irritated skin.
Factors of developing seborrheic dermatitis:
- Affection of a close family member
- Obesity
- Oily skin
- Stress
- Fatigue
- Infrequent shampooing and use of hair-care products containing alcohol
- Skin disorders like acne.
- HIV infections
Homeopathic treatment for Seborrhoeic dermatitis:
Homeopathy offers an excellent treatment for Seborrhoeic dermatitis during all stages. Cases treated especially in the early stages show much better results. However, old cases of Seborrhoeic dermatitis also respond very well, but would require time. Most cases approach for homeopathic treatment only after failing with the conventional medicines, unfortunately. Homeopathy is strongly recommended for Seborrhoeic dermatitis.
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