Homeopathic Treatment For Scleroderma
Scleroderma is a disease which primarily affects the skin producing abnormal hardening of tissues
The exact cause of scleroderma is unknown, however, it is termed as an autoimmune disease, which triggers overproduction of collagen in tissues and damages blood vessels.
Collagen is a protein found in connective tissues of skin, joints, tendons and internal organs such as lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, etc. Hence the severity of disease depends on which parts of the body are affected.
Overproduction of collagen leads to hardening of the affected parts thereby hampering the normal functioning of that affected organ or part.
Types of scleroderma:
Scleroderma can be classified into Localized and Systemic scleroderma.
Localized scleroderma has two types namely Morphea and Linear scleroderma. Systemic scleroderma is further classified into diffuse and limited scleroderma.
Homeopathic treatment for scleroderma:
Homeopathic treatment is effective for scleroderma especially as a supportive measure to control the disease process and for getting some relief in some of the stubborn symptoms such as Raynaud's phenomenon, painfulness, etc.
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