Raynaud's Disease
Homeopathic Treatment For Raynaud's Disease
Discoloration of the extremities caused due to lack of blood supply because of cold and emotional stress is called Raynaud's disease.
It is more common in women then men.
When exposed to cold or the triggering emotional stress the fingers and toes become pale, cold and numb and then blue when the oxygen supply is depleted. When the blood supply returns on warming the extremities turn red with tingling and swelling.
People suffering from Raynaud's disease should keep their extremities warm by wearing gloves and socks. They should stay away from artificially cooled places like highly air conditioned spaces and touching cold objects. Patients are advised against decongestants, caffeinated food, smoking as it is known to trigger or worsen the disease.. Patients should also stay away from emotional stress.
Homeopathic Treatment:
Homeopathy has certain scope in Raynaud's disease. It can reduce the severity and frequency of attacks.
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