Homeopathic Treatment for Piles
Piles (Haemorrhoids) are swollen and inflamed blood vessels (veins) in the rectum and anus. Piles are broadly classified as follows:
External: Piles that are outside the anal verge
Internal: Piles that occur inside the rectum
Causes of Piles:
These include the following:
- Genetic predisposition (weak rectal veins, walls)
- Poor muscle tone in the rectal region
- Constipation
- Obesity
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Chronic cough
- Pregnancy
- Overuse of laxatives or enemas
- Lifting heavy weights habitually
Symptoms of Piles:
Symptoms vary depending upon the site of piles, duration of complaints and general health of the person.
External piles present as a swelling outside the anus with irritation and itching. These can be painful sometimes and usually do not bleed.
Internal piles are usually not painful but these bleed when they are irritated such as during the passage of hard stools.
Homeopathic Treatment of Piles:
Homeopathic medicines are very effective in the management of piles and the symptoms associated with it such as pain, bleeding, itching, etc. The point to be emphasized is that the relief of symptoms is obtained with absolute gentleness and without invasion or surgery of any kind. Moreover, the condition has high relapse rate following surgical treatment, since surgery does not target the root causes like genetic tendencies, habitual constipation, etc. Homeopathic medicines work at the root level and can modify these genetic tendencies thus reducing chances of relapse and recurrence of the condition significantly.
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