Homeopathy Treatment for Piebaldism
Piebaldism is a rare skin disorder which resembles and presents with vitiligo spots. Piebaldism is due to an absence of melanocytes in affected skin and hair follicles as a result of mutations of the KIT proto-oncogene.
Piebaldism is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder of pigmentation characterized by congenital patches of white skin and hair that lack melanocytes. Piebaldism results from mutations of the KIT proto-oncogene, which encodes the cell surface receptor Tran membrane tyrosine kinase for an embryonic growth factor, steel factor
Piebaldism is a benign disorder. The white forelock is evident in 80-90% of those affected. Both hair and skin in the central frontal scalp are permanently white from birth or when hair color first becomes apparent. The forelock and white skin may have a triangular shape.
This depigmented skin may show a narrow border of hyper pigmentation or island of pigmentation and has white hair that is otherwise normal-appearing emanating from it. White patches of hair may be located other than frontally in some patients. The only pigmentation change of skin or hair may be a white forelock in some patients.
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