Homeopathic Treatment for Pemphigus Vulgaris
Pemphigus Vulgaris is a serious skin disease. Relatively, it is a rare disease, which is characterized by formation of blisters and erosions of the skin and mucus membranes. The blisters are often called as bulla or bullae, which are filled with thin, watery fluid; which eventually burst, slough off and lead to sore spots. It can affect mouth, genitals and any part of skin. It is most commonly observed in middle-aged or older people. It is a chronic and recurring disease. It is not a contagious disease; does not spread by touch or air.
Pemphigus is understood to be an auto-immune disease; though, the exact cause remains ill-understood. IN pemphigus, body's immune system fails to recognize body's own protein called desmoglein protein, and reacts in the form of severe inflammation, blister formation, pain and soreness.
- Autoimmunity - Pemphigus Vulgaris is an autoimmune disease.
- It can be the result of prolonged use of certain medications like Penicillamine (antibiotic), Blood pressure medications called ACE inhibitors and Chelating agents. Usually, this variety of pemphigus tends to recover in most cases on stopping the medicines.
Most commonly affected areas are mouth, scalp and trunk.
- Painful blisters and sores in the mouth, followed by blisters on skin.
- Peeling of skin
- Crust formation
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