Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis (Ocn)
Homeopathic Treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis (OCN)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD (OCN) is an anxiety disorder where the patient experiences intrusive irresistible thoughts (obsession) that produces anxiety, fear, uneasiness. Patient ends up doing repetitive behavior (compulsion). Patient may realize that their thoughts and actions are irrational and may become further distressed. It is also called Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis (OCN).
It is fourth most common mental disorder. OCD may affect children, adolescent as well as adults. One in 60 adults all over world has OCD.
Causative factors
- Hereditary - OCD in family. Genetic factors form major cause of OCD, which at times may not be clearly understood.
- Environmental factors - Abuse, illness, death of loved ones, etc
- Brain disease - Tissue changes in brain (temporal lobe lesions, low level of neurotransmitters) may cause OCD
- Personality factors - Person with Obsessive traits or lack of confidence may suffer from it.
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