Homeopathic Treatment for Obesity
Obesity means an excess fat collection in the body. There is always an optimal weight for every age and sex. In obesity, this weight exceeds the upper limit of normal by 30%.
Morbid obesity is a condition wherein people are overweight by 45 kilos to what is normal for their age and sex.
The prevalence of obesity has increased sharply since the mid seventies especially in the developed countries. In fact, obesity has become so rampant that more children and teenagers are obese nowadays than ever before. 70 % of the adult population in the U.S.A is considered obese.
Obesity is not just a cosmetic consideration. It is a medical condition associated with illness and disability. It can lead to: -
- Diabetes
- High blood pressures
- Heart diseases like coronary heart diseases (CHD)
- Diseases of gall bladder
- Sleep apnea plus other respiratory problems
- Osteoarthritis
- Stroke
- Increased risks for many cancerous conditions in both men and women.
Causes of obesity
Understanding the causation of obesity is useful in selecting proper homeopathic medicine for weight loss.
Genes versus Environment
Identical twins are known to have very identical BMI even when grown apart. This favors the concept that weight gain and obesity are controlled by genes.
However there are many instances where environmental conditions overwhelm the action of genes in obesity. Famines are known to prevent obesity even in those most prone to it genetically.
A number of conditions have been identified where obesity is a feature right from birth. In these children, along with obesity there are other symptoms that help differentiating these conditions from each other.
Considering these factors in selecting homeopathic medicine for weight loss is important aspect in management of obesity.
Race and Socio-economic conditions
The odds of having obesity and obesity related health conditions varied among persons depending on their age, gender, race, income and smoking.
In the developed countries, obesity is more prevalent among people in the lower socio-economic strata where as, in developing countries, obesity is a problem more seen within the higher socio-economic strata.
Psychotic Drugs
- There are four major groups of drugs which can cause obesity: Benzodiazepines, Lithium, Antidepressants, Antipsychotic drugs
- Estrogens
- Corticosteroids
- Insulin
- Sulphonyl urea agents (used in treatments of diabetes)
Homeopathic Treatment for Obesity:
Homeopathic approach to the treatment of Obesity entails treating the treatable cause, if possible. For example, if obesity is due to hormonal disorders such as Hypothyroidism, it calls for the treatment for the same. Besides the homeopathic medicine for weight loss, disciplines diet habit and exercise schedule form important part of the treatment. It may be noted that there are no standard medicines in homeopathy which can reduce weight.
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