Nasal Polyps
Homeopathic Treatment for Nasal Polyps
A polyp is a swelling of the lining (mucosa) of the nose and the para-nasal sinuses. Polyps generally occur due to long-standing inflammation of the lining of the nose and of the sinuses surrounding the nasal cavity (para-nasal sinuses).
- Nose-block forcing an individual to breathe through the mouth
- Runny nose and sneezing
- Reduced sense of smell and taste, etc.
Homeopathic treatment:
Homeopathic treatment is targeted towards the root cause of the illness and hence the disease is treated from the core. Homeopathy believes in treating the patient and not just the disease.
Homeopathy is strongly recommended for the management of nasal polyps, especially when they are small in size. Timely administered homeopathy medicines help avoid surgery and its inherent complications. Moreover, it is very common for the condition to recur even after surgery. Homeopathy also has a preventive role to offer, by which the chance of recurrence is minimized.
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