Homeopathic Treatment for Myopia
Myopia is known as nearsightedness in common parlance. People suffering from myopia can see near objects clearly and have a problem viewing distant objects which appear blurred and with less clarity. Myopia has high prevalence in Asian countries up to 80-90% as compared to 30-40% in European countries and the United States, and 10-20% in Africa. Research has proved a relationship between myopia and high IQ. Myopia is caused due to change in the curvature of the lens of the eye due to weakening of eye muscles.
Treatment for Myopia
Eye glasses, contact lenses, refractive surgery is the conventional treatment for myopia. Homeopathy has no scope in myopia. No over the counter homeopathic eye drops help either in treating or preventing myopia.
Eye exercises and biofeedback have been known to help myopics . Biofeedback helps by giving positive signals the brain like positive self talk and the like and hence improves vision. It is widely practiced with good results.
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