Myasthenia Gravis
Homeopathic Treatment For Myasthenia Gravis
The term Myasthenia gravis means ‘grave muscle weakness’. MG is a chronic progressive auto-immune disorder causing muscle weakness. In MG, there is weakness of voluntary muscles (those controlled by will) and easy fatigability. This weakness comes up during periods of exertion and improves after rest. MG is an abnormality of the transmission of signals at the Neuro-Muscular Junction (NMJ). Females are affected more often than males.
- Genetic
- Immunological
- Thymus tumors or abnormal enlargement (hyperplasia)
- Stress (aggravating factor in existing cases of Myasthenia Gravis)
Symptoms :
- Drooping eyelids (ptosis)
- Double vision (diplopia)
- Difficulty in speech, slurred speech
- Difficulty in swallowing
- Nasal sounding speech
- Weakness of neck muscles
- Weakness of arms and legs
- Symptoms are usually intermittent (i.e. come and go)
- Symptoms may disappear for weeks and may appear again, later
- Weakness tends to worsen as the day progresses and after prolonged activity
Grades of MG:
- Grade 1: Only ocular disease
- Grade 2A: Mild generalized weakness
- Grade 2B: Moderate generalized weakness
- Grade 3: Severe generalized weakness
- Grade 4: Myasthenia crisis
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