Molluscum Contagiosum

Homeopathic Treatment for Molluscum Contagiosum

More illustrative Molluscum contagiosum (contagiosa) is a commonly found skin infection, especially among children, which looks like small, pearl shaped, pinkish white eruptions on skin. It is a viral infection. It is also found in adults who are immunodeficient due to some reason. The infection is most common between the age of one to ten years. Molluscum Contagiosum can affect any area on the body but is usually observed on the face, arms and legs.


Molluscum contagiosum is a self-limiting condition; which means that it gets cured if untreated. However, in that case, it may take up to six months. Some treatment measures may shorten the duration and reduce the changes of spread. It is contagious until the bumps are gone-which, if untreated, may be up to 6 months or longer. The time from infection to the appearance of lesions ranges from 2 week to 6 months, with an average incubation period of 6 weeks.=

Surgical treatment:


It involves killing infected cells by "freezing" them with a pressurized liquid spray, usually liquid nitrogen or nitrous oxide. The procedure is relatively painless and can be performed by any health professional. The infected cells may fall off immediately or fade over several days.

Laser therapy:

Pulsed dye laser therapy is the treatment of choice when there are multiple lesions. Any surgical treatment requires to be repeated each time, new crops of lesions appear.

Homeopathic Treatment for Molluscum Contagiosum:

Homeopathy has effective treatment for a range of viral infections which includes Molluscum contagiosum. There are a few commonly indicated anti-viral medicines which are specially suitable for this condition. This problem is largely self-limiting and does not require medicine unless it is severe and extensive. It has to be remembered that the medicines have to be chosen based on the patients individual symptoms; and not that they work for all the patients alike. Some of the medicines are Thuja occidentalis, Dulcamara, Silica, Natrum Muriaticum, Rhus toxicodendron, Causticum, Nitric acid, etc.

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