Migraine :
Migraine is a disorder characterised by headache, specifically affecting one side of the head (i.e. unilateral side). Migraine headaches are mostly throbbing or pulsating in nature. The top-ranked homeopathic medicines for migraine are Belladonna, Glonoinum, Iris Versicolor, Epiphegus and Nux Vomica.
Common accompanying symptoms are nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and noise. The intensity of a migraine headache may vary from moderate to severe .
For some people, a warning symptom known as an aura occurs before or with the headache. An aura can include visual disturbances, such as flashes of light or blind spots, or other disturbances, such as tingling on one side of the face or in an arm or leg and difficulty speaking.
Migraines, which affect children and teenagers as well as adults, can progress through four stages: prodrome, aura,attack and post-drome. Not everyone who has migraines goes through all stages.
Causes & Triggers :
Migraines are believed to arise due to brain changes affecting nerve communication, and are also thought to originate from brain changes affecting blood vessels. Some people believe that both of these factors play a role.
Other than these, decrease in the level of brain chemical serotonin might be a causing factor, the research for confirmation of the role of serotonin in migraines is still ongoing.
Some of the trigger factors behind migraine are stress, bright light, loud noise, taking excessive alcohol and caffeine. Other factors are loss of sleep or excessive sleep, strong smell, intense exertion, tiredness, eating processed foods, cheese or food having monosodium glutamate (MSG), skipping meals, temperature changes. Other than these, in women, migraines can occur from hormonal changes like before or during menses, pregnancy and menopause.
Homeopathy For Migraine:
Homeopathic remedies for migraine are reliable and safe. They offer effective treatment for migraine. In fact, they work wonders for acute migraine attacks or even chronic migraine. These medicines for migraine are selected as per individual case. Individual symptoms are studied in detail and the appropriated medicine prescribed. They identify and attack migraine at the root. Migraines with or without aura respond very well to natural medicines.
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