Masturbation Syndrome:
Masturbation is nothing but self-induced, sexual stimulation or sexual excitement. There are wrong ideas about masturbation in most cultures; religions and even highly educated people have been found to have a faulty understanding about masturbation. In this article, I will write all about masturbation that you need to know.
It is unfortunate that younger people do not feel comfortable talking, discussing and asking about masturbation. This is because of the elders, parents, and teachers often feel uncomfortable about masturbation.
Masturbation is a normal, natural human behavior and there is nothing dirty, wrong, bad or shameful about it. It is just like feeling thirsty, hungry or getting an urge for stool and urine. It is a normal bodily instinct. There is nothing abnormal about the desire or urge for masturbation.
Well, it is said that about 95% males (age of 11 to 100) masturbate sometime or the other. And, other 5% are liars! Also, masturbation is common among females.
Why does one masturbate?
As a boy or a girl after the age of ten years or more starts developing the sexual desire and bodily pleasure, which are governed by hormones in the body. This is a natural phenomenon. Around this time, they naturally learn a way to get sexual pleasure by touching and handling the private parts and sexual organs. At one point, they experience sexual stimulation and pleasure, erection of the penis (boys) and ejaculation or discharge of seminal fluid. This leads to sexual gratification. This entire experience is normal and healthy. Nothing is actually wrong with it.
Slowly they learn to get such pleasure at will; which may be at any frequency of once in a few days or a couple of times in a day.=
How much masturbation is normal?
This is a common question asked my most people. Actually, there is no normal or abnormal number for masturbation. Masturbating once in a month is normal, and masturbating three times in a day may also be normal. It is like how many glasses of water one should normally drink? It all depends on one’s body needs, food habits, surrounding, climate, etc. Just like that, the number of times one can normally masturbate depends on one’s age, thoughts, sexual exposure, food habits, company, etc.
When does masturbation become abnormal?
If masturbation becomes distracting, not allowing one to focus on day to day tasks of life such as study or work; compelling one to masturbate leaving behind important work, it may be called not normal. It is like if you must eat again and again, not able to wait, must eat in the middle of the work than it is abnormal body response. Same with masturbation as well.
Why is masturbation a social stigma or taboo?
Sexual functions are not well understood since centuries. Our culture and religions have considered sexuality a taboo, in many segments of our society. Parents and people love to talk about food, drinks but they avoid talking about sex. Sex education is not adequately given to young boys and girls. As a result, masturbation has been considered a taboo or stigma.
Does masturbation produce weakness or some diseases?
The common myths are that masturbation leads to weakness, loss of weight, loss of sexual functions, dark circles abound eyes, depression, etc. It is not true. Lack of understating leads to guilt, shame, and fear among those who are not well-informed about the natural aspect of masturbation.
When does masturbation need medical attention?
When one is obsessed with sexual thoughts, compelled by sexual thoughts and urge to masturbation leaving behind the day to day activities; it calls for medical attention and counseling.
What are the medicines for masturbation?
There are no medicines required for masturbation, as it is not a disease. Those who are distracted by masturbation, or have developed anxiety or guilt, may need some counseling and mild medicines to relieve anxiety. Masturbation is a boon, which helps if practiced with right understanding. It helps to release sexual tension and gives sexual pleasure almost as much as after a sexual act.
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