Homeopathic Treatment for Mastoiditis
Mastoiditis is an inflammation of mastoid process (bone), the portion of the temporal bone of the skull that is behind the ear. Mastoid process contains open, air-containing spaces. Mastoiditis used to be a leading cause of child mortality.
In most cases, Mastoiditis is caused by certain gram-positive bacteria such as streptococci pyrogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, etc. Gram-negative bacteria can rarely cause Mastoiditis.
- Mastoiditis is usually caused by the infection of the middle ear, which is called acute otitis media. Infection from middle ear spreads to the air cells of the mastoid process.
- Mastoiditis may be the result of blockage of ear drainage. A skin tumor in the middle ear called Cholesteotoma may block the ear drainage.
- Perforation of tympanic membrane may also lead to Mastoiditis.
- Discomfort or pain behind the ear.
- Discharge of pus, fluid from ear.
- Redness and swelling behind the ear.
- Fever or headache in case of acute Mastoiditis.
- Hearing loss and vertigo
Homeopathic treatment:
Homeopathic medicines help to treat the acute infection as well as the chronic and recurring infections. If the acute infection is very severe, homeopathy may not help fast enough. However, chronic and recurring Mastoiditis finds excellent treatment using homeopathy. Medicines are chosen based on some symptoms, extent of pathology and investigational findings. Some of the commonly indicated medicines are Mercurious solubus, Mercurious-iodum flavum and rubrum, Asafetida, Kali iodum, Pulsatilla nigra, Tuberculinum, etc. Homeopathy is strongly recommended in all chronic cases of Mastoiditis.
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