Lichen Nitidus

Homeopathic Treatment for Lichen Nitidus

Lichen nitidus is a rare, chronic skin eruption that is characterized by round skin-colored papules, which are flattened on top. The papules are about 1-3 mm in diameter. They are described as micro-papules. Papules mean small solid bumps rising from the skin that is usually less than 10 mm in diameter. They do not contain any fluid. However, they are caused by an underlying inflammatory condition. The exact cause remains unknown.

The lesions can be localized on the hands, legs, chest, abdomen or back. They can be mild moderate or severe, stable or spreading .They may cause dryness, a roughness of the skin and lead to itching and irritation. The symptoms may increase in summer, humidity and in situations of stress.

They may be unpleasant in appearance. An experienced physician can easily diagnose it clinically. However, a biopsy can be done to confirm the diagnosis. It is conventionally treated with moisturizers and local cortisone. However, in extensive cases, oral steroids or a (second generation) retinoid-like acitretin is prescribed.

It is not directly related to lichen planus. It can be confused with lichen planus. Sometimes dermatologists term it as "mini lichen planus”.

Homeopathy is very effective in the treatment of Lichen nitidus. The medicines help to reduce itching and help to stop the spread and reduce eruptions dramatically. The disease can be controlled very well with homeopathy.


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