Homeopathic Treatment for Ichthyosis
Ichthyosis is derived from the Greek word "ichthys" meaning "fish". It is a skin disorder in which there is formation of dry, thickened, scales or flakes on the skin, which appears like fish scales.
The condition often begins in early childhood and is usually life long.
Types of ichthyosis:
The most common types of ichthyosis are:
- Ichthyosis vulgaris- Ichthyosis vulgaris is commonly observed in most people. It accounts for about 95% of all ichthyosis cases
- Lamellar ichthyosis
- Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis
- X-linked ichthyosis.
Symptoms of Ichthyosis
Sign and symptoms may include the following:
- Itching of skin.
- Dry skin, scaling and flaking of skin.
- Mild itching.
- Body odor.
- Thick scales and cracks.
- Rough skin.
- Overheating: ichthyosis may affect normal temperature control by reducing the ability to sweat
- Limited movement: dry, scaly skin may make it too painful to move some parts of the body
- Secondary infection: cracking and splitting of the skin may lead to skin infections and sometimes systemic infections
- Impaired hearing or eyesight: Excessive skin may build up over the ears or eyes causing partial deafness or blurred vision.
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