Hair Fall Curability Test
Hair Fall :
The Hair Fall curability test is an on-line test to suggest a possibility of help with homeopathy. The criteria for the test in the form of a series of simple questions, have been determined to suggest the chances of improvement with regard to the Hair Fall disorder. The sufferers of Hair Fall may undergo this on-line test to obtain a suggestion on the possibility of cure with homeopathy.
Causes :
Genetics: A major role is played by genetics in determining the condition of our hair as we grow older. However, with early intervention it is possible to have good hair in spite of bad genes.
Hormonal Changes: Thinning of hair due to aging is a result of changes in the hormonal balance of our body. Our hair goes through a growth phase (Anagen) and a resting phase (Telogen). Due to changes in hormones, the Anagen period becomes shorter and the Telogen stage increases. Stress, changes in immune system due to medicines, emotional disturbance, all contribute to hair loss.
Lack of Proper Nutrition: Another major contributor to the cause of hair loss is a lack of proper nutrition. Our hair shaft is made up of protein. Lack of enough protein in our diets reduces hair growth. Biotin, Folic acid, minerals and vitamins all encourage hair growth and stimulation of hair follicles.
Homeopathic Remedies Used for Treating Hair Loss :
- Silicea: Silicea enhances hair growth, strengthens hair and reduces dryness of hair.
- Kalium Carbonicum: Especially recommended for people of an introvert nature, this preparation stops hair from thinning and falling and encourages hair growth.
- Lycopodium: Lycopodium is prescribed for both men and women with premature thinning of hair It is made from the distilled spores of evergreen plants.
- Arnica: Arnica helps increase blood circulation, stimulate hair follicles and is very effective in female pattern hair loss.
- Natrum Muriaticum: Natrum Muriaticum is specifically prescribed for hair loss that occurs due to dry skin, dandruff or other skin disorders and also hair loss triggered by hormonal imbalance. It is made from the common salt and unlocks its hidden properties by homeopathic potentization methods.
- Phosphorus: Phosphorus is prescribed for hair loss due to scalp infections and dandruff, especially when hair is lost in clumps.
- Kali Sulphuricum: Highly recommended for hair loss due to dandruff; Kali sulphuricum is good for overall growth of hair.
- Jaborandi: An active ingredient in many hair oils and shampoos, it is known to stop hair fall and promote hair growth.
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