Fungal Infection
Homeopathic Treatment For Fungal Infection
Fungal infections are caused due to the growth of a pathogenic fungus on the body. Fungi thrive well in the hot and humid environment of human body thus fungal infections are seen equally in all age groups and both genders. Most commonly fungi affect the skin, nails and genital tract in women Tinea or ringworm athlete’s foot, and jock itch are some of the skin infections caused due to fungus.Fungal infections also occur in lungs (aspergillosis, pneumocystis pneumonia), eyes (keratitis) and ears (otomycosis).
There are various type of Fungal infection:
- Pityriasis Alba
- Pityriasis Corporis
- Pityriasis Rosea
- Fungal Infection of Nails (Onychomycosis)
- Fungal infections on legs
- Multiple, ring-shaped areas of infection all over the body that coalesce in severe cases and cause intense itching
- Severe itching at night and while lying in bed
- Infected areas have a red central portion surrounded by small itchy eruptions
- Dry skin with scaling in the infected regions
- Aggravation of itching on exposure to cold air
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