Frequent Cold
What is Frequent Cold ?
Common cold or cold is one of the most common conditions affecting several individuals and is responsible for absenteeism at work and school. The common cold is caused by a viral infection and may be triggered or aggravated by certain allergens and environmental factors. When a child or an adult is suffering from the common cold quite often, then it is termed a frequent cold.
Symptoms :
- A nasal discharge
- Sneezing
- A nose block
- Congestion
- Sore throat
- A headache
- Cough
- Watering of eyes
- Itching of eyes
- Body ache
- Fever
Symptoms Preventive measures:
- Wash your hands properly or sanitize them (if washing is not feasible) to prevent the spread of infection. Do not touch nose, eyes, mouth unnecessarily.
- Regularly disinfect the most commonly touched surfaces like electric switches, door knobs, etc. Be on guard if someone in the family is suffering from common cold.
- Whenever cough or sneeze occurs, use tissue paper or elbow bend, wash hands immediately . This will prevent spread of virus from you to others.
- Avoid sharing objects like towels, utensils with others.
- Maintain distance from anyone having cold. If you are suffering from cold, stay back at home to prevent spread to others.
- Build up immunity with healthy diet, good sleep and exercise.
Homeopathy For Cold :
Once you get a cold, the instant human reaction is to somehow get rid of it as soon as possible. Allopathic medicines over the counter may provide you with some relief from a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, headache and body ache for a short duration, but the viral infection does not leave your body. The cold, or the viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, recurs and that can be even more frustrating. Here is where homeopathic remedies can be of great help.
Homeopathic remedies for colds go to the crux of the problem and ensure that the viral infection is rooted out of the body. They can cure it effectively with no side effects as these are made from natural substances and hence, are completely safe. Also, homeopathic remedies to prevent colds can ensure that there is no recurrence.
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