Homeopathic Treatment for Epiphora
Epiphora is a condition where there is excessive watering of eyes, clinically the condition constitutes insufficient tears drainage from the tear drainage system (i.e. Nasolacrimal system).
Causes of epiphora:
- Eye irritation and inflammation
- Obstruction in the tear outflow tract
- Aging may be one of the reasons for the watering of the eyes.
- Common Cold.
- In neonates and infants, failure of the nasolacrimal duct to open.
- Poor reconstruction of the nasolacrimal duct system after trauma to the area.
- Facial fractures (soft tissue trauma)
- Lids disorder (ectropion - lids turn inwards and ectropion lids)
- Epiphora is diagnosed by clinical observation, history and presentation of the lids.
- Fluorescein dye (to detect the obstruction).
Homeopathic treatment for epiphora:
Temporary symptomatic relief may be achieved for a short time using homeopathy. Long-term benefit may not be achieved. Homeopathy is not recommended for epiphora.
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