Corns Callosities
Homeopathy Treatment for Corns Callosities
Callosities also known as clavus or corns, are toughened areas in the skin, as a result of repeated pressure or repeated contact with rough surfaces. They are most common on the hands and feet but appear localized to the area that bears repeated pressure or abrasion.
Cause of Callosities (Corns):
Corns and calluses arise from hyperkeratosis, a normal physiological response to chronic excessive pressure or friction on the skin.
The outermost layer of skin called the stratum corneum is maintained as a hard, protective, layer by the process of keratin deposition (keratinisation). The stratum corneum is thus maintained as a highly protective sheath over the skin. In hyperkeratosis, there is excess deposition of keratin over the skin as a result of repeated pressure or shear strain that chronically displaces or disrupts the stratum corneum. This excess deposition may happen either locally or in a diffuse manner depending upon individual tendencies and the nature of stresses involved.
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