Homeopathy Treatment for Cheilitis or Chapped Lips
Cheilitis is a medical name for inflamed lips. It is also referred as chapped lips, where the lips that appear dry, scaly, inflames, and with cracks. The inflammation could be mild to severe. The condition is painful. If the cracks are deep, the lips could bleed.
Chapped lips may be seen in people of all ages.
Cheilitis is often observed with a change of weather from warm to cold. Some drugs are known to induce Cheilitis, which are listed here:
- Retinoids (isotretinoin and acitretin)
- High doses of vitamin A
- Severe zinc deficiency
- Lithium
- Chemotherapeutic agents (busulfan and actinomycin)
- D-penicillamine
- Isoniazid
- Phenothiazine
Other possible causes of chapped lips include high fevers as well as environmental conditions, such as dehydration, ill-fitting dentures, wearing braces and certain vitamin deficiencies. It may also be a pre-malignant lesion for squamous cell carcinoma.
Avoidance of the offending drug is recommended.
Other types of Cheilitis:
Angular cheilitis can be caused by bacteria but is more commonly a fungal infection. It can also be caused by medications which dry the skin, including Roaccutane.
Lip-licking cheilitis is usually seen in 7– 15-year-olds.
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