Bell's Palsy
Homeopathic Treatment for Bells-Palsy
Facial paralysis also called a Bell's palsy, is a condition where one of the sides of the face meets with paralysis. Bell's palsy is a self-resolving condition having partial or complete weakness of the facial muscles. Usually, one side of the face is affected.
Two hundred years ago, Sir Charles Bell first detailed a condition that causes weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles.
The Facial Nerve originating in the brain (in the pons) controls the muscles of the forehead, neck and facial expressions. It is also responsible for the 'perceived sound volume'. Besides, it also stimulates secretions of tears and saliva. The trauma of the Facial nerve in any form causes Bell's palsy.
The condition affects men and women alike, has no age bar and has no particular affinity for any one side of the face.
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