Homeopathic Treatment for ADHD
ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a condition with symptoms such as inattentiveness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. The symptoms differ from person to person. Both children and adults can have ADHD, but the symptoms always begin in childhood. Adults with ADHD may have trouble managing time, being organized, setting goals, and holding down a job.
Children suffering from ADHD act without thinking, are hyperactive, and have trouble focusing on anything in particular. Their attention easily gets deviated and in spite of understanding what is expected from them, they are unable to focus on a particular thing. Such behavior is common amongst normal children also but the difference is that children with ADHD have these features persisting for long and they impair a child's ability to function socially, academically, and at home.
It's usually diagnosed in childhood, but symptoms of ADHD can continue unrecognized through adolescence and adulthood, so it may not be diagnosed for the first time until someone is an adult. With proper treatment, children and adults with ADHD can live successful, highly productive lives.
Causes and Risk Factors of ADHD
Experts aren't sure what causes ADHD. Research suggests that the disorder has a neurobiological basis and a genetic component.
- Genetics : Curent evidence suggests ADHD is genetic — meaning it seems to run in some families.
- Alcohol or Tobacco use during pregnancy : Use of tobacco during pregnancy has been associated with ADHD symptoms in children in a number of studies.
- Traumatic Brain Injury : TBI in early childhood has been linked to the development of psychiatric disorders. Among those disorders, ADHD is the most common.
- Premature Birth or Low Birth Weight: Some research has suggested a correlation along a gradient — that the lower the birth weight or the earlier the birth is, the greater the risk of ADHD.
ADHD in adults
It is not that only kids can have ADHD. Adults, too, can continue showing ADHD traits started in childhood. However, one cannot have ADHD starting from adulthood. Some of the signs and symptoms of ADHD in adults are as under:
- Hyperactivity at workplace
- An inability to get organized at work. Careless, untidy, etc.
- The temptation to keep changing work, job, business, etc. Inability to pay attention to one work, task or project for adequate time
- Fast or rash driving. Ignoring and breaking signals
- Broken relationships with parents, friends, spouses, and neighbors.
Homeopathic Treatment for ADHD:
Homeopathic medicines for ADHD are a must as they play a vital role in the treatment of Behavioral and Developmental disorders like ADHD, ADD. We at Dr. Patel's successfully managing of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and Behavioral problems such as aggressiveness, defiance, restlessness, etc. involve administration of a series of carefully chosen homeopathic medicines for ADHD depending on the behavioral pattern the child presents with.
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