Abscess and Boils
Homeopathic Treatment for Boils (Abscess)
A skin abscess(boils) is a tender mass generally surrounded by a colored area from pink to deep red. Abscesses are often easy to feel by touching. The vast majority of them are caused by infections. Inside, they are full of pus, bacteria, and debris. Painful and warm to the touch, abscesses can show up anyplace on your body.
Causes of abscess:
Abscesses are caused by bacterial infection, parasites, or foreign substances. Bacterial infection is the most common cause. When our normal skin barrier is broken, even from minor trauma, or small tears, or inflammation, bacteria can enter the skin. Obstruction in a sweat or oil (sebaceous) gland, or a hair follicle or a pre-existing cyst can also trigger an abscess.
Why does one get an abscess?
People with weakened immune systems get certain abscesses more often. Those with any of the following are all at risk for having more severe abscesses. This is because the body has a decreased ability to ward off infections.
Who gets frequent abscesses or boils?
A condition of frequent abscesses especially on the skin is a common phenomenon, suggesting an underlying faulty immune system. In such cases, the underlying immunity calls for treatment besides addressing local infection as a stand-alone problem.
Skin abscesses
When bacteria gets under the surface of your skin, an abscess can form. This can occur anywhere on the body, although skin abscesses tend to be more common in the:
- underarms
- hands and feet
- trunk
- genitals
- buttocks
Bacteria can get into your skin and cause an abscess if you have a minor skin wound, such as a small cut or graze, or if a sebaceous gland (oil gland) or sweat gland in your skin becomes blocked.
Symptoms of abscess:
Most often, an abscess becomes a painful, compressible mass that is red, warm to the touch, and tender.
- As some abscesses progress, they may "point" and come to a head so you can see the material inside and then spontaneously open (rupture).
- Most will continue to get worse without care. The infection can spread to the tissues under the skin and even into the bloodstream.
- If the infection spreads into deeper tissue, you may develop a fever and begin to feel ill.
Treatment of abscess:
The doctor may open and drain the abscess.
Homeopathy Treatment for Abscess:
Acute abscesses of recent origin can easily respond to homeopathic treatments. Homeopathy is best indicated for any abscess: like frequent abscesses, prolonged (chronic) abscess, resistant abscess. In the above three categories, the formation of an abscess is surely a sign of altered underlying immunity, which can be treated effectively using homeopathy. Homeopathy is strongly indicated for recurring and resistant cases of abscesses.
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